Monday, March 10, 2014

Why TV ratings make me a bad person

I guess this is sort of a 'get to know me' entry or something...or a least get to know how crazy I am.
For as long as I could use the internet for this sort of thing, I've been obsessed with TV ratings and box office totals (and occasionally even the billboard charts). I check religiously whenever a movie I love is out in theaters and I want it to do well, and I refresh my twitter feed furiously the morning after my favorite shows come on. For some reason, I'm thinking it's because I always root for the underdog (don't you dare say it's because I have bad taste in TV!), my favorite shows almost always struggle in the ratings department. So not only do I cringe every time I check how many people tune in to watch weekly, I also become a nervous wreck checking every sort of cancellation prediction site I can. TVLine is my favorite, they're clear and very accurate, while is concise but harsh (I'm talking to you cancellation bear).
Hey Cancel Bear, how would you feel if I called the things you love #bearchow!?
So what about all of this makes me a bad person? Because my favorite shows struggle, I think a lot of the shows that do really well in the ratings game (I won't name any shows...) are not worthy of their good ratings. It makes me so mad that so many people tune into some stupid shows that I never want to give them a single ounce of support. This isn't cool of me, I know. What did anyone on the cast and crew of these shows-that-must-not-be-named do to me that make that warrant my loathing? Just succeed in ways that my shows do not.
Why do we even put so much stock in ratings nowadays anyway? I get that it's important to advertisers, but most of us watch TV online now anyway. Some people watch illegally (tisk tisk!)  while many other people watch on Hulu Plus or similar sites. Shouldn't online viewing factor into ratings now? We should be able to get a report on the TV ratings and DVR ratings (which we get already) plus the legal online views maybe after a week or so. Wouldn't that give us a much better idea of the range of audience of a show? I know networks take that into consideration now when renewing a show, but it would put us ratings-watchers at ease to know whether or not our show's reach is really as dismal as the ratings say it is.
I don't want to care so much about this sort of thing...but I do. And I've learned to deal with it. What I really need to do is not be bitter about shows I don't watch that get good ratings...that's what really makes me crazy.

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