Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reign 1x14 "Dirty Laundry"

Lots of stuff was happening at the Castle tonight...and some of it was totally ridiculous. Just another day in French Court!

The honeymoon is definitely over.
Let's start with King Henry and Queen Catherine. So who else thought it was actually hilarious watching the King and Queen of France haul a dead body across the castle. I don't know if it was supposed to be as funny as I found it, but the way King Henry acted like such a little pansy only increased my hatred for him. Obviously Catherine is the boss...of all situations. She totally handled everything. She is the Olivia Pope of 16th century French court. What I gathered most from this story is that the King is a horny misogynist who somehow gets off of putting his mistresses in dangerous situations. I can't wait to see where this lands Kenna...hopefully not off a balcony. (See what I did there?)

Speaking of Kenna, let's talk about the ladies-in-waiting (minus Greer, why is it that my favorite lady-in-waiting has had zero storylines lately?). Kenna is being set up with one suitor a week in exchange for carnal favors (ew) for the King. The Archduke of Bohemia showed some interest in her this week (that is until his sister fell off a balcony), but he only likes chaste women, so Kenna had to reign in her sluttiness to appeal to him--mission almost accomplished.
Lola, predictably, is pregnant with Francis' child and was seeking an abortion, because there is no way she is living her life as Francis' mistress! Maybe you should've thought of that before, gurlfriend. Too bad Mary got to her before she could actually go through with it. The problem here is Mary didn't know the baby belongs to Francis. She, of course, seems to be more mad at Lola than Francis because that's always how it goes with these sorts of things. But I'm sure things aren't so great in Fraryland anymore.

Mary must be real excited to be married because she said 'my husband' approximately 500 times throughout the episode. And it irked me a little more every time she said it. Francis is harboring secrets--I don't believe that he didn't play any part in the attempt on Bash's life--and secrets will tear them apart. I think he's jealous-- it's obvious Mary still cares for Bash (at least a little bit) and he hates that. Also, they seem to be having some trouble conceiving which will put major stress on their relationship. As I said before, all is not well in Fraryland.

Finally, Bash is hardcore struggling as an outcast of court right now. While in the woods he met a
Coming next fall to The CW: The Bastard and the Huntress.
huntress and her brother who I already hate because this is too much like Jon Snow and Ygritte in GoT (come on you noticed it too). Bash belongs at Court where he can protect Mary! Speaking of Mary, they had a little interaction...enough for us to realize that Mary still trusts him and counts on him. I think her feelings for him are actually stronger than she realizes. We already know how much he loves her. And Bash, a hookup with wannabe Ygritte will not fill the holes in your heart!
Now let's talk about the part of the episode where I actually gasped: Olivia has been in the woods this whole time! The Pagan beast has been drinking her blood (maybe?) and it seems to have possessed her. When Bash brought her back to court so Nostradamus could help her, she stabbed a priest with his own crucifix in her sleep! Now that's creepy! According to Olivia, the darkness is coming.  And I'm guessing really soon because that's what the next episode is called.

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