Once again, a CW show with a love triangle is the origin of my couple of the week. The difference with my choice this week is that I already know the couple I ship doesn't work out. Mary, Queen of Scots married Francis, Dauphin of France in 1558 and, as far as we know, his step brother Sebastian didn't even exist. But that doesn't stop me from loving
Bash and Mary on Reign. Look, this show is not very historically accurate (which is totally fine), so who's to say that after Francis dies she won't hook up with Bash?
Right now, Bash and Mary are in an engaged bliss--taking horse rides together and planning to elope. But this Thursday in "The Consummation" (which was originally written as a season finale so you know it will be full of drama), Francis will return to Court to fight for the crown and Mary (more for the sake of his mom than anything else), so this may be the end of Mash as we know it.
So let me bask in their glory for now, and remember the good times (about 3 episodes?) they had together. In case you haven't already noticed, all of the gifs in this post are all part of one of my favorite Mash scenes.
Why am I team Bash? Other than his dreamy eyes? He just seems to love Mary more than Francis does, and because he was not "trained" to be a King, he is more willing to focus on protecting Mary than protecting the crown. Mary has been in danger her whole life, she needs someone to care more about her than they care about power. She deserves to be treated as a woman, not as a piece in a political game. And while I
do think Francis cares for her, I think he can't help but think in terms of what is best for France (not to mention he is quite the Mama's boy).
*Attn Reign Writers: Can we at least get a hot Mash scene before they part ways? Their scenes are cute but lack a certain passion that Mary and Francis seem to have already displayed. (not fair)
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