Sunday, March 16, 2014

Once Upon a Time 3x13 "Witch Hunt": Something wicked this way comes?

She must get the lovely green glow from her father
On Sunday night’s episode, the people of Storybrooke still can’t remember what brought them back from the enchanted forest or why. Through a series of flashbacks, the viewers found out that it was none other than the Wicked Witch of the West. It seems that the green villain has moved on from Dorothy and set her sights on Regina her – gasp – half sister. Not to sound smug, but Regina kept saying “it’s sealed with blood magic no one could break that!” Except maybe cough cough someone blood related to you? My mom and I (because yes I spend my spring break watching TV with my mom) called that sisterly twist as soon as the word “blood” left the evil queen’s lips. It is still unclear as to why the Wicked Witch hates Regina so much or how she plans to make her suffer, but I assume we’re going to find out soon. Personally, I have never been a huge fan of the Oz stories. But I never loved Peter Pan and that didn’t stop me from liking Neverland, so I’ll give it a chance.

She turned a monster into a toy because she a badass mother
            As for Regina – let me tell you she might be my favorite character on TV right now. Season 1 she was a great villain with an even better wardrobe and hair style. Since then, her love for Henry has made her a better person, mother, and a great anti-hero. I love every scene she’s in. Her blossoming friendships with Emma in Storybrooke and Snow back in the Enchanted Forest have been great TV. I also can’t wait until she realizes Robin Hood is her true love. His son needs a mother, and as we have seen, Regina may be evil but she has motherly love to spare. 

No pregnant woman is ever ok with this
As for the rest of the gang. I kind of hate that Henry doesn’t remember. He was a smart kid that helped Emma remember she is a hero. However, Henry’s scenes with Regina have been heartbreaking in the best possible way. It’s also been cool to see Emma find her way on her own (with a little help from Hook - who was in the episode far too little considering how handsome he is). Elsewhere, it was a little unbelievable that the good citizens of Storybrooke saw flying monkeys and it didn’t ring any yellow brick road bells. But alas, that would be too easy – they had to figure it out right at the end of the episode because this is TV we’re talking about. I’m also creeped out that the Wicked Witch is mascaraing as a midwife in Storybrooke. Why is she interested in Snow’s reproductive system? Ew. I guess she’s interested in the baby. Either way she must need Rumpelstiltskin's help because she's keeping him in a cage in her storm cellar (don’t worry Once writers, I got the Kansas reference and I found it clever). Raise your hand if you actually thought Rumple was gone for good. Anyone? Anyone? Good. He’s too awesome to leave us for long.

            Personally I can’t wait to see what’s in store for all our fairytale favorites. Unfortunately, I won’t get to watch next week's episode with my mom because I’m 22 and don’t normally live with her. Sigh.

*A guest submission by Coco 

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