So I finished season three of Game of Thrones. Yes, I know. How did I just finish GoT? What is wrong with me? And yes, I already knew about the Red Wedding, so that wasn't much of a shock.
Anyway, season four premieres in about a month and a half (April 6th at 9pm), and now that I've caught up, and all the emotion and drama is fresh in my mind, I figured this would be as good a time as any to review what has happened thus far. Annnnd maybe intrigue some readers who haven't watched it before! It's only 30 episodes and really, really good...definitely worth the watch!
Instead of recapping everything that happened in the third season I'm just gonna go ahead a do a rundown of my favorite characters and the characters that I hope are eaten by The Stark's direwolves or Khlaleesi's dragons.
The Lannisters
Tyrion: Second favorite character right here and the only "good" Lannister. He truly seems to care about people which is amazing because no one ever really cared about him. He is strong, smart, and often a much needed comic relief. Of course the rest of his family would rather see him dead than have any power, so I wonder what kind of hell he'll be put through next season. Oh and he's married to Sansa of course, which I'll talk more about in a bit.
Cersei: Do I hate her? Do I feel bad for her? Do I admire her? I don't really know. I used to really hate her...but she doesn't have much control and she actually has to deal
with the most disgusting son in all of Westeros. She may be rich and the
queen regent but she doesn't
really have anything or anyone. She's not a real threat at the moment, especially since the Tyrells arrived at Court. We'll see what happens next season.
Jaime: Dare I say that I
like him now? The words taste icky in my mouth. But ever since he got knocked off of his high horse (literally?) and his sword hand chopped off, he's been a bit humbled. He also seems to care for Brienne (platonically--he's only ever been with Cersei...ew) but he's back at King's Landing now and I'm sure once he get's his hair cut it will be like his excursion beyond King's Landing never happened and he'll go back to being Cersei's little bitch.
Tywin: He's a jackass. Every single time he tells Tyrion he's worthless I want to take his little "Hand of the King" pin and stab him in the heart (is that too violent?). And he ordered the Red Wedding. How dare he. But he is devoted to his family--or maybe just to himself. I do appreciate that Joffrey and Cersei seem to be muted in his presence, but I hate how Tyrion has no respect or authority with him around.
Joffrey: He sucks. He is a misogynistic pig. I actually hate him more than I've ever hated any fictional character ever and I recently dreamed that Bran possessed a direwolf and maimed him while he was sitting on the Iron Throne. Every time he messes with Sansa I get soo mad. He is also a little baby and the scene where Tywin told him to go to bed and Joffrey kept whining that he wasn't tired was the greatest Lannister exchange ever.
The Starks
*R.I.P. Catelyn (even though I didn't like you), Robb, Talisa, and lil' Eddard (sorry had to do it).
Arya: She's a badass bitch. And I can't believe the amount of heartache she has endured. She is so strong and determined--she deserves at least some happiness. I hope her and Gendry can reunite at some point/ I hope Gendry doesn't die. She is extremely arrogant though. Like, too arrogant to last on her own. P.S. As much as I hate The Hound, why did she call Valar Morghulis on him? Does that really seem wise?
Sansa: She's pretty much a prisoner. Almost the same way Theon Greyjoy was a prisoner to the Starks. But she is married to Tyrion now and honestly, I consider her pretty lucky. He may be a dwarf, but he is a good man. Much better than Joffrey--and I think he'll protect her. I think Margaery will protect her too. She has been in worst positions...she just needs to grow a backbone.
Bran: I'm excited than he is honing his abilities. I don't even know what to call them but they are awesome and I'm pretty sure they are the key to everything and I also think that my dream about
Joffrey's death totally could happen and there is no way anyone could pin that on Bran.

Jon Snow: My poor Jon Snow. Ygritte was never good enough for ye (I'm sorry I can only hear anything about Jon Snow in my head in her voice). Look, she was good to start you off but you need a nice lady who will be loyal to you and not shoot you with arrows (I volunteer to be this lady). I'm just glad he's made it back to Castle Black with Tarly and the gang.
Now to two awesome ladies who don't belong in a tier
Margaery Tyrell: She is so great and manipulative (much like Anne Boleyn, her character on The Tudors, no?). I wouldn't be surprised if she poisoned Joffrey herself, and no one would blame her (except Cersei) because she's put all of King's Landing under her spell. I love her...I hope I'm not being misled too!
Daenerys Targaryn: I put her in bold because she is my favorite fictional character that has ever existed. Maybe just my favorite person that has ever existed. She truly is
the Khaleesi and the mother of dragons. Not to mention everyone is drawn to her (and rightfully so; she's perfect). The way she took Astapor was the greatest moment of the show so far. Of course, I am rooting for her to take back the Iron Throne--but there are no happy endings in Westeros.
People I don't really care about/ don't like: Stannis (I thought you were a tough king why do you take all your orders from Melissandre who is a total witchy creep...obviously I don't want them to take the throne--they rely too much on "sacrificing" people...they can all go away), The Lord of Light really just creeps me out in general...what a dark/ powerful religion...and Theon/ Reek (I used to absolutely hate him...now I think he has more than paid for his sins...poor guy...I hate torture).
*I know I've left people out but these are the main characters I think about. There are many more important people, I know.
I can't wait until April 6th. I'm off to go dye my hair bleach blonde and dress my dogs up like dragons.