Monday, February 3, 2014

New Girl 3x14 "Prince"


Three Words. Eight Letters. Say it and I'll shoot finger guns in your direction.

So Cece and Jess almost got hit by a car and were invited to Prince's house party as an apology. The boys weren't invited, but Jess looked so pretty that Nick let the L word slip as they were leaving. To remedy this 'mistake', the boys decided to crash the party. Coach and Winston got in by using their classic 'fire and ice' bit--which was hilarious, Nick 'trojan horsed' with a gaggle of models and Schmidt climbed over a hedge. Jess was having a difficult time expressing her feelings to Nick without fainting or choking on her words, so Prince helped them work it out because, you know, he has time for that. There was a whole montage of Prince and Jess doing bizarre activities that would help her tell Nick how she felt, like playing ping pong and changing into random outfits. Of course, that was all the strength she needed and she shouted 'I Love You' in the middle of the dance floor to a very drunk Nick.

I'm glad Schmidt realized that he can't do better than his crazy weird friends who do the lemon challenge by themselves at a huge party filled with fabulous people. Even though they're crazy, all any of us can ever ask for is a tight group of friends who you can be yourself completely around, right? They're all lucky to have each other.
Speaking of Schmidt, who caught those two cute moments with Schmidt and Cece? When they danced cutely and that little glance before he ate a lemon? Yes. Those two are endgame. But he needs to stew in his mistakes (cheating on her) for a bit longer.
To those who think that Nick and Jess' relationship ruined the show, I disagree. I really think that they have breathed some new life into the show. Nick is just so cute--but he is a bit aimless. Jess helps give him direction and I think that their storylines are cute and (mostly) realistic. Occasionally the show can get pretty campy, but that's not all Nick and Jess. Actually, the silliest moment last night did involve Jess--would Prince and Jess really become besties and then sing a duet together? Yeah, no. That song was just silly, but maybe that's because I don't love Prince.

(Photo courtesy of Fox)

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