Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pretty Little Liars 4x20 "Free Fall"

There must be some correlation between hot-ness and evil-ness, cuz DAMN.

This episode was appropriately titled...it was like a free fall of emotions in my heart as I watched Aria ugly cry and reject Ezra (who is not A, but still pretty creepy?) I mean, come on, the security code to his cabin is B26 for God's sakes! He loves you so much Aria! Can't you forgive him for obsessing over Ali (like y'all have been for the past 4 seasons?) The girl is a crazy bitch. Maybe I'm not weirded out by Ezra because the fact that he is writing a true crime novel is much less creepy than the alternative. He is "following" the liars around, but that's because they are basically unraveling the mystery for him, and obviously he didn't want them to know the truth, because well, he ended up falling in love with Aria. Unless this is all a cover? Only time will tell.
Time has officially revealed that Spencer is totally crazy. This isn't the first time our resident psycho
It's druggie chic.
has had a problem popping pills. She can't tell the difference between reality and her delusions, and she's lying to Toby and her friends. Also, she looks like a straight up zombie. Maybe Ezra really was worried about her? That would be nice. Part of me thinks that the reason Toby signed that Radley release form has something to do with protecting Spencer. Does Radley have some serious dirt on her maybe? And the Hastings has paid them to keep quiet? I think there is a lot more going on with her than we know right now. Is it possible that Ali is afraid of Spencer? Do you think that she has blackouts and does bad "A-like" things during them? All of these questions are circling my mind. PLL has taught it's viewers to question everything--and I love that about the show.

"What angsty music should we use for Spencer's intervention?"
This show is finally advancing at a steady pace--every week is a new revelation and it's awesome. I can't wait to find out more about Ezra and Spencer.

PS: I always believed you weren't A Ezra; I forgive you. If Aria doesn't forgive you I'm available. 

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