Ugh. This hurts me. |
The internal struggle: do I hate this show? Or do I love it as a whole despite all the little things I hate? I started this episode knowing it would be soul-crushing. I am a Stelena shipper; I will always be a Stelena shipper. I can't really see them ever getting back together, so it was nice to have one episode with some alternative reality fluff. They are actually so cute it makes me want to throw up, and Damon and Elena annoy me so much that it makes me want to throw up. I'm sorry that I'm so biased in my reactions of this show, I just think that Stefan and Elena are much better suited for each other and this constant recall of how things could've been if Stefan and Elena were "normal" is painful. What hurts the most is how upset these two were when the visions ended; everything about them was perfect. All they've ever wanted was to be normal and in love. Why wouldn't they give it another shot in real life? As Stefan said, when they were together, they were really happy.
I'm so glad that "universe" theory has been debunked, though. That was a load of crap.
Here's what I absolutely hated: Stefan told Elena, "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them, I don't think you can be both." I call bullshit on that one. I think the main criteria for being in love with someone is that you consider them your best friend. Yeah, maybe when you break up, the friendship becomes awkward, but I don't think either of those things just stop. I don't think Stefan is over Elena, and he's mature enough to be her friend. As usual, the nice guy finishes last. Yeah, he was a deadly ripper for 100 or so years but I feel like he's made up or that at this point.
While this season as a whole is slightly better than last season, it's possible that the traveler storyline is worse than the cure storyline. When Damon feigned that yawn while Markos was talking, he represented the entire TVD audience. At least every character is being utilized, though--maybe I'm alone here but I really like Tyler, and I hate it when he's randomly gone for 10 episodes. For some reason he's always turned into some sort of villain, but I suppose that's better than nothing. Also, how many times does Matt have to die before that ring stops working? Because I'm pretty sure he dies every other episode.
I'm ready for the season finale and we haven't even been introduced to the main conflict or the season climax. I'm sorry I'm just ready for a new storyline. I don't like Markos; he is not a lovable villain. I miss Silas. Speaking of Silas, Paul Wesley did a pretty good job with his directorial debut. I feel like it's totally obvious that he hates his job and the scripts so they let him direct an episode in an effort to keep him content. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Paul!
Here's the promo for next week. It focuses on Enzo's relatively boring search for Maggie:
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