Careful Winston, the last man to sit on the Iron Throne choked to death on wine. |
I am so glad Winston passed his Police Academy exam, because I honestly can't handle the weird storylines he's had lately (mainly involving Ferguson the cat). I think he could be a really funny cop, and it will be hilarious to see his roommates try to take advantage of his connections. As long as he gets to keep the job.
Schmidt remains my favorite part of this show. Everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious...which can usually make up for a relatively mediocre episode. Don't get me wrong...I still enjoy this show. I just think there is such a thing as too silly, and this show has crosses that line often.
PS: Can someone please throw me a honey roast I need the self esteem boost.
EDIT: My best friend saw this and actually wrote me a honey roast and sent it to me in the middle of the night, so when I woke up this morning it was the first thing I saw. Isn't she just the best?!?!
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