Thursday, April 17, 2014

Scandal 3x18 "The Price of Free and Fair Election"

If we stare at each other intently maybe Jake will go away.
Damn I hate cliffhangers. I mean, I love them, but I hate them. Tonight's episode of Scandal was flat out the best one I've ever seen though.

Let's start small(ish). They're gonna kill off Harrison. Columbus Short has legitimately gone insane; I can't imagine Shonda keeping him around. It's like, remember when Robert Downey Jr. got fired off of Ally McBeal for getting back into the drugs (or at least getting caught for it) even though he was the best character on the show? Well Harrison isn't even the best character on the show, so I think we can expect a description of his death but no body in next season's premiere.

Turning into St. Sally was probably the best political move I've ever seen, and it was also kind of gratifying to see Cyrus' plan blow up in his face (bomb puns!). Actually, the best political move ever is having the incumbent's son die of bacterial meningitis the night before the election. Thank GOD Cyrus was not behind that. I wasn't surprised at all that it was Rowan; he's way too smart to go down without a fight, but I just wish Olivia knew she was (kind of) being played. I mean, I think she and Jake could totally go off and live in the sun together and they would be fine, but what about everyone else she loves? Fitz is literally having a breakdown. On the presidential seal in the Oval Office.
I realllly really love Fitz. and Mellie. It's so weird. Half of the time I find myself rooting for them, but
I love Fitz and Olivia. And I kind of ship Jake and Olivia. Basically I'm just so confused watching this show and I love every minute of it.
EXCEPT HUCKLEBERRY QUINN. NOPE. JUST NOPE. I hope he reunites with his family because that 7:52 episode was very tragic and also I hate Huckleberry Quinn (did you know that?).

These reactions are accurate.
I am so glad that Fitz found out about Big Jerry and Mellie. And he handled it in an honorable way. Yep, you stay with your wife who was raped by your father. Even after you give a sweet little speech to your girlfriend about wanting to marry her and live in Vermont (and again with the damn jam!). And I have to admit, I was kind of hoping that Fitz wouldn't win the election so they could all kind of wipe the slate clean. Also, even though he won, it still wasn't really a win on his own merit. Fitz still doesn't have the satisfaction of knowing that the United States voted for him based on his ability to lead.

BONUS PIC! To the right is a twitpic of Tony Goldwyn and Scott Foley's reactions after reading the finale script. 

With a set up this great, I'm sure season four is going to be awesome, and Kerry Washington won't have to hide behind strategically placed objects anymore!

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